Massachusetts Boudoir Studio | The Swan Boudoir Studio | Tara Starr Photography

We love when our amazing clients are willing to share their story and their experience here at the Swan.

Working with Lisa was beyond rewarding! Over the years she has reached out and shown interest in having a session quite a few times. This happens pretty often. Woman show interest, they send messages, comment on social media posts, even have phone consultations, but that big step of booking isn’t always easy. When they finally get in here, they ALL say they wish they did it sooner!

Here is what Lisa had to say about her time here at The Swan Boudoir Studio.

“Before the session I was a nervous wreck, I wasn't sure what to wear. I was worried that I would hate my body in anything I bought. I struggled to find things that I felt comfortable enough in. I took advantage of Tara's shopping guide and I asked her questions. I was literally excited but SO SO SO nervous.

Tara did great with prepping me. Anytime I had a question prior to my day, I would reach out and she would answer me right away. As far as Michelle doing my hair and makeup, it could not have been anymore perfect. It was EXACTLY what I envisioned BUT 100x better than I could of imagined.

I felt beautiful being dolled up and i enjoyed the photo shoot, but when you don't see the images, you can feel as though you look horrible or fat or just not comfortable. Although I felt beautiful the day of the photo shoot, the real empowerment came when I actually saw the photos and Tara and I went through them all together. That to me was empowering and that was what lifted me up. I didn't believe that the photos were actually me, I swore she photoshopped them. I cried, we laughed, she yelled at me and said "THAT IS YOU LISA" "I Don't change peoples bodies" and it was an eye opener for me. I don't see myself like that.

At 42 years old, I have struggled my ENTIRE life with my body image and my weight. Although I was an active kid, dance, cheer, sports, etc. I was ALWAYS the "big" girl, the "big friend" "the big mom", I was always the biggest girl in the room. I struggled with my body image, I struggled with self esteem, self worth, you name it, I HATED me, sometimes I still struggle.

When I was 35, I had gastric bypass surgery and lost 125 lbs. To this day, sadly, I still see myself as a 300+ lb woman and when I see pics of myself and I think I look thin or thinner, I don't believe it. I am defintiely getting better and I have days where I am super confident and then I have days that I am not, but the day I saw my pictures I cried. I cried because I actually looked at myself for the first time and LOVED every inch of me. It is me, it is who I am and it is ME. I love me, I want my daughters to love themselves too and be happy and confident with the body they have. Nobody is born perfect, we all have imperfections, it is learning to LOVE who we are and what we have. I am so glad that I did this and I am kicking myself for not doing it sooner. I love me, I love where I've been and I love where I am. I am proud of me!

 I 100% love my pictures, I bought the biggest package because I couldn't choose!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!

I ABSOLUTELY think that EVERY woman deserves this experience. It is a day of beauty and all about you”.

Check out these gorgeous images from Lisa’s session!

Hair and Makeup by Michelle DeVoe